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Get your DNA Tested with Julia Dollar

DNAlysis As humans we have many different genes. Our genes determine who we are and can also determine other things about us, such as our risks for certain diseases as well as our ability to respond to certain medications. Have you ever wandered why your friend lost 10 kg’s when she started following a low […]


Nelene Flemming Life Mastery Coaching What is life coaching? Life Coaching is…An act of empowerment, helping and guiding our clients to close the gap between their current challenges, constraints, restrictions and their goals and life’s vision. What is NLP Life Coaching? Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a model to duplicate human excellence and learn new behaviors at […]

Refueling for Recovery – by Julia Dollar

Most athletes know that optimal recovery is important for athletic success however how many are actually aware that consuming the right foods and fluids at the right times can help maximize recovery and performance?Nutrition strategies should be a vital part of your recovery process. The three R’s of recovery nutrition are REFUEL, REHYDRATE and REBUILD. Endurance or resistance […]

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